
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020


Hi everyone, I hope all of you are well. I’m Martin, a geography student, a pretty wide subject, were I’m interested to take a specialization in the future.  I’m not pretty sure what I want to do for my specialization, because I like to many different subjects, but I know that I want to study out of Chile. I want to learn geography from a different cultural point of view, altough I would like a place with similar features from my country, because I want to come back with new skills and put into practice here.  This year I chose a class about conservation, and I really liked. If I have to take a decision right now of a postgrade, I would chose this way. The conservation talk about social and natural topics. Currently, I think that in our country, the conservation aproach is pretty lost and doesn’t have the real importance that should have. The public politics, today more than ever, should to consider the base that conservation defends. If I decide to study a postgrade I would need to wo

My future job

 Hello, I hope you all are well Today I going to write about something that I'm not very sure, and make me fell very confused (that's the reason why I'm publishing this post so late) First at all, I'm not sure what is the area I would like to put focus in 1 or 2 years. With that in my head, how can I say what kind of job I would like to have; it's make me fell so bad and confused. Well, there is something that I'm sure: whatever job I choose, It must be outdoor. Actually, the fieldwork was a reason why I chose my career (geography), but, well, we know what is happening right now (f*kinnnnn coviddddddddddd).  There is another thing that I know: I'm going to work because of a salary to travel around the world (mierdamierdamierda). If I have to travel as part of the job, it would be wonderful. Sometimes I have the idea to get a job in a university, but as quickly as it arrived, it's gone. Currently, I'm in a class of environment conservation. I really l

Animals and Pets

 Hi everyone, I hope you all are well. Today I write about a topic I really care in my life. Since I have memory, always in my life there was an animal made the day happier, funnier and less difficult. I still remember when I was a kid that every summer and winter (or every time my mom had time) I staid with my family in Colin, Talca. On this place, the way to have fun was always play and talk with the animals, and was very normal because my family had too many dogs (7-8 maybe), a couple of cats, a horse, I don't know how many laying hens, and sometimes a lamb or a cow. My favorities was "Cholo" and "Niño", its was two dogs that always followed me. I still remember that my mom let me and my brother went out to climb the hill only if we went with the dogs. I think this is the reason why I'm an animal lover, and why we have a dog in the house now. Well, I have the conviction that someday everyone in the world will understand that animals and persons are equals

My Childhood days

A few days ago, I was walking to the supermarket, in the way I passed through the park and I felt some different: I smelt the recently cut grass. That flavour bring me back childhood memories when I played football wherever the grass grow. OMG! What a memories... Actually, I remember this memories very fondly because my first childhood memory is very similar with all of those moments. I don't remeber very well, it was when I had four or five years old, I look back that I was running behind a ball in some park, just running and kicking the ball; kicking, falling down and laughing alone. After that moment, to many memories have some relation with a ball. Well, maybe this was the reason because I always played football. My mom say to me that every day she arrived at home and found me playing with the ball outside with friends or alone. It doesn't matter if was weekend or not, always in the afternoon or after class I played football. Ufff! Now its just lives in my memory.