Hi everyone, I hope all of you are well. I’m Martin, a geography student, a pretty wide subject, were I’m interested to take a specialization in the future. 

I’m not pretty sure what I want to do for my specialization, because I like to many different subjects, but I know that I want to study out of Chile. I want to learn geography from a different cultural point of view, altough I would like a place with similar features from my country, because I want to come back with new skills and put into practice here. 

This year I chose a class about conservation, and I really liked. If I have to take a decision right now of a postgrade, I would chose this way. The conservation talk about social and natural topics. Currently, I think that in our country, the conservation aproach is pretty lost and doesn’t have the real importance that should have. The public politics, today more than ever, should to consider the base that conservation defends.

If I decide to study a postgrade I would need to work at the same time to pay for my stay. Because of that, I would chose a country were the salary of a partime job be enough to pay the costs that live there mean. Also, I would like to be in a place were I can move between my place work, the university and my home in a bike. It call my attention to study in a country with a similar geography to southern Chile, because I would like to work there when I come back.

Addicionally, I would like study in a country with a different local language because I want to learn a new one and improve my english, maybe Canada or Switzerland.

In this moments I put my efforts to get the best grades to apply for scholarships.


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