My future job

 Hello, I hope you all are well

Today I going to write about something that I'm not very sure, and make me fell very confused (that's the reason why I'm publishing this post so late)

First at all, I'm not sure what is the area I would like to put focus in 1 or 2 years. With that in my head, how can I say what kind of job I would like to have; it's make me fell so bad and confused.

Well, there is something that I'm sure: whatever job I choose, It must be outdoor. Actually, the fieldwork was a reason why I chose my career (geography), but, well, we know what is happening right now (f*kinnnnn coviddddddddddd). 

There is another thing that I know: I'm going to work because of a salary to travel around the world (mierdamierdamierda). If I have to travel as part of the job, it would be wonderful.

Sometimes I have the idea to get a job in a university, but as quickly as it arrived, it's gone.

Currently, I'm in a class of environment conservation. I really like it and I would like to get a major of this, but I must to think very carefully to take a decision.

Well, that's all for today.




  1. I think it's normal not to be sure about the work we want. I also study geography and the career is so varied that it is difficult to choose just one area of interest :(


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