Animals and Pets

 Hi everyone, I hope you all are well.

Today I write about a topic I really care in my life.

Since I have memory, always in my life there was an animal made the day happier, funnier and less difficult. I still remember when I was a kid that every summer and winter (or every time my mom had time) I staid with my family in Colin, Talca. On this place, the way to have fun was always play and talk with the animals, and was very normal because my family had too many dogs (7-8 maybe), a couple of cats, a horse, I don't know how many laying hens, and sometimes a lamb or a cow. My favorities was "Cholo" and "Niño", its was two dogs that always followed me. I still remember that my mom let me and my brother went out to climb the hill only if we went with the dogs. I think this is the reason why I'm an animal lover, and why we have a dog in the house now.

Well, I have the conviction that someday everyone in the world will understand that animals and persons are equals, and this is why, for me, they (yes, the animals) have the same rights than us. Actually, I fell really violent that someone think that the animals are usefull to be "taster doll" (muñeco de prueba?) because of medical research, or to be our entertainment in a zoo, or to be our clothes, or to be the food and drink in your table.

In conclusion, I would like to be another animal (I don't care what animal) only in a world where the animals are free and not in your plate. 


  1. Wow, that's really a lot of animals, and you are right in everything you say :c

  2. It's curious that in every place in Chile there is a dog with the name "Cholo" hahaha I have met many Cholos in my life


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