Bolivia: A country I would like to visit



Hi everyone, today I going to talk about a dream that I have.

First of all, I must to say that something that I really enjoy is travelling and I hope one day knowing every country of America.

The countries I already know are: Chile, Argentina, Brasil and Peru, and the next country I would like to visit is Bolivia. In this moment I know some places that I really need to go, like Salar de Uyuni, Tiwanaku or Reserva Nacional del Amazonas Manuripi Heath. When the rigth time comes, I would like to do all my travel hitch-hiking: the beginnig would be "San Pedro de Atacama" in Chile (from here cross the border to "Uyuni" in Bolivia); and the ending would be the Amazonas.

Sometimes I think what would happen if I stay there, or in any other country, for a long time. Would I look a job, a college or a flat to start a new live?. I think I would not. Maybe, I would work for a few weeks or a month, just because of keep travelling around the place.   

Well, have a nice day. See you soon.


  1. Wow! this place is so beautifull, I think good plan, travel by every contry of america

  2. I would love to go to Bolivia, such a beautyful country!

  3. that place must be one of the most impressive places in the world


  4. I would love to visit Bolivia, it has one of the most beautiful places in the world


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